Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Economic Crisis

I believe that the United States government could have done things to prevent the current economic situation we are facing. With the amount of technology and the amount of experts that we have today someone or something should have known this was coming. Even though the current administration is currently trying to fix the problem it is too little too late. The economic stimulus package, is really the only thing that the government has done to help our economy. I'm sure there is some way, or some new program that the government could have or could implement to help our economy out.

With the action or inaction rather of Bush to help out or economy problem could hurt the Republicans party chance at winning the upcoming presidential election. I for one am not voting for the Republican party anyway but to some others who may consider it, may look at Bush's decisions and decide against voting for John McCain. On the opposite end Democrats are going to make sure that the public associates George W Bush's decisions with John McCain's presidential run

All the money going into the Iraq war and other programs could be going into another program or something that could help the economy. For some reason the current administration has decided to act by not acting. I know the president is getting the same information the people are getting and by deciding not to act is incredibly irresponsible in my opinion. All the president has given us are words and a little to late economic stimulus package that most people are just going to put in the bank and not spend.

Monday, March 3, 2008

To Torture or Not To Torture

In the article Horrifying and Unnecessary, the writer states that President Bush is going to veto a bill that would end the cruel torturing of our captive prisoners. To Mr. Bush the burdens in the Army Field Manual are too restrictive. The manual bans these specific burdens, forcing a prisoner to be naked, placing a hood over head and duct tape over eyes, applying beatings, water boarding, using military dogs, inducing hypothermia, and conducting fake executions .Although I can see how torturing our prisoners could look bad in the eyes of other countries, and may prompt them to torture their prisoners, I believe that we should continue to use any means necessary.

If we capture a prisoner and need to get vital information from them, I don't think that a prisoner is going to give up his information if he is treated like he is just another person in prison without torture. I don't know about you but if someone was just talking to me instead of torturing me I would never give out my information. Lives could be put at risk if the prisoners we capture don't give up their information. As long as our torture methods continue to be non-lethal I believe that torturing a necessary means of getting crucial information. The author talks to many anti-torture people, but where are the people that support torture. I know the author is trying to make a point but in order to do so you should have both sides of the issue present. I believe that if some pro-torture people were present in this article the author could have a better chance at making a point.